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On the outside, things looked good. Two beautiful children, two successful careers and a comfortable Charlotte, NC suburban lifestyle. On the inside, we were both struggling.  The chaos of modern-day life and busy schedules were taking a toll on us. Something had to change.

It was in St. John, USVI, in the summer of 2016 when things began to shift. Laying on the white sands of Honeymoon Beach, we were able to reconnect, laugh and relax. We started to examine our lives and saw that part of our discontent was not stepping into our bigger purpose. 



We examined the gifts we both had to offer and knew that we wanted to help people. Tait, with his 20+ years of coaching experience, wanted to dive deeper into supporting people from getting unstuck in their lives. He wanted to help get them back on purpose with what matters most to them.  Elsa, with her passion for Ayurveda and wellness, instinctively knew that she wanted to encourage tired, overscheduled and stressed women move from depletion to vibrancy. She knew it was possible because she was on a path to overcoming it herself. 


The vision of Paradigm Wellness and Paradigm Happiness + Habits started to come into focus. And today we are proud to offer our coaching programs to people who feel stuck in their careers and in their lives. To people who feel alone and disconnected in their relationships..To people who have allowed their health and vibrancy to deteriorate. We offer hope and above all else, no judgement.  We are living proof that lives can become unstuck and turned around for the greater good.

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